Thank you for all the wonderful pictures, and for the nice visit with you, and for Maeve.
We had a good trip home. It was beautiful up your way on Tuesday and a nice drive back to Mitchell. The people at the hotel all admired Maeve. She always let us know when it was time for her to stop and go potty.
Yesterday it was stormy all the way home with rain, sleet, hail and snow (at the high elevation above Grater Lake). When Maeve got cold after a walk outside Kate would hold her in her coat until she warmed up. Sometimes she would just go to sleep there.
Maeve and Quincy made friends right away. Now they are beginning to play. Bridget and Gwennie are a little more cautious but they both had dogs here for years so I'm sure they'll relax in a while. Maeve uses the pee pads and has not made one mess on the floor. She particularly likes to have a walk on the front lawn. She is "Queen of the House".
Here are a few pictures.

We hope you are both doing well. We'll be in touch before very long.
Thanks again,
Larry and Kate