Hope you are doing well. The weather here threatens to be summer like but it really doesn't do it.
Maeve had her first visit with Dr. Cole last Thursday and she is in great shape. Everyone at the Vet. Clinic got to meet her. She is growing fast and full of energy. She is learning new tricks all the time, like getting Quincy to come out of a box in the kitchen so she can get in it. She plays with Quincy a lot but Gwennie and Bridget still keep their distance.
Here are three pictures:
1. On the living room carpet last Wednesday
2. Playing with her squirrel
3. Having a late night snack with Quincy (in the box) and Gwennie

Maeve loves to go outside and explore but the weather hasn't been nice. When it gets better we'll go more and I'll take more pictures to send you. Have you found a new family for her brother?
A friend once said, "Puppies do keep you busy." She was right!
Thank you again for a wonderful puppy.